A good friend once explainded to me about the cast system that regulated a person to the status of Rickshaw. There was no difference between the vehicle and the individual that pulled it and the family of the individual shared the same identity. The lowest of the low. I thought that was a fitting reflexion even in moderns times of our society. A person's station in life was their worth. Loud, unrully, and distorded are the effects of living at the bottom.
Jake Jimmy Kenny & The Rickshaw Kids was a trio concept of Blues Punk wich started in the US with 2 recorded projects ("The Rickshaw Kids" and "Uno Mas" ) involving and with many thanks to Jack Hanlon, Dominic Panzarella, and Matt McLaren.
The project became live and lively, first in France, with Jerome Fouquet and Gael Larvor. Many miles travelled and borrowed cars playing from small bars to Festivals.

video 1
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"Catfishen - richshaw kids"
New's Blogspot